Sebuah cerita ada seorang anak dari manado yang meninggalkan rumah dengan hanya membawa satu helai celana, dan baju yang ada di badan. Pergi ketanah jawa hanya ingin menuntut ilmu Agama ( menghafal Al-Quran ).
Nama anak ini adalah Norman, dia punya tekad dan niat yang sangat kuat, karena dengan kekuatan niatnya sampai-samapi Norman nekad pergi ketanah jawa dengan mengunakan kapal laut dengan tidak mengunakan karcis, karena norman tidak membawa sepeserpun uang, yang ada hanyalah baju dan celana di badan.
Norman sempat di hukum oleh security kapal, tetapi hukuman itu dia lewati begitu saja,dia bilang Allah maha besar, meskipun bagaimana pun saya harus pergi ketanah jawa untuk menuntut ilmu. Sampai akhirnya norman dapat melewati hukuman itu.
Karena dengan tekadnya dia bertanya-tanya dimana pondok yang dapat memberikan tempat tinggal dia untuk belajar, sampainy dari Surabaya dia nekad pergi kesolo dan tinggal di pondok Al-amin solo. Norman bisa mengafalkan 10 juz Al-Quran di sana, tetapi karena biaya di sana mahal bagi dia, dia berinisiatif untuk mencari pondok tahfiz yang gratisan, sampai Tanya-tanya lalu dia diarahakan sama temannya untuk masuk di salah satu pondok tahfiz di jawa timur jombang.
Di pondok itu Norman dapat menuntaskan Hafalnnya, Tapi Allah berkehendak lain, setelah dia selesai mengafal Al-Quran Norman dipintak oleh sala satu pondok Tahfiz di ponorogo untuk mengajar di sana, dengan niat yang baik Normanpun pergi ke ponorogo.
Di ponorogo dia tinggal pondok dan mengajar, setelah sudah beberapa lama Norman tinggal di ponorogo Normanpun diketemukan oleh seseorang pengusaha sukses di ponorogo dan di jadikan anak angkat, saking sayangnya bapak itu Normanpun di kuliahkan di salah satu kampus UMP, semua biaya di tanggung, dan kebutuhan apapun di cukupioelah sang ayah Angkat.
Tetapi meskipun demikian Norman tetap mau mandiri dan Ngekos di salah satu kosan yang ada di samping rumah Bapak angkatnya, di sana dia mandiri. Di kosan itu dia menemukan berbagai macam tipe orang, orang2 shalat jamaah kemasjidpun jarang, Tetapi Kedatangan Norman di kosan itu membawa cahaya pada yang lain dan akhirnya teman-teman yang ada di sekelilingnyapun ikut apa yang di lakukan Norman meskipun sedikit-sedikit. Pengajian kecilpun di adakan di kosannya, sampai-sampai orang yang pinya kosan sangat gembira sama Norman karena dia membawa kelakuan yang baik sekali yang bisa mempengaruhi teman-temannya di kosan, yang semula tidak ada budaya shalat jamah di masjid, begitu pula dengan mengaji kitab, tetapi berkat kedatangan Norman di kosan itu Kosan itu suasana menjadi lain.
Luar biasa pelajaran yang dapat kita ambil dari cerita singkat ini, Dibalik niat yang kuat dan lurus di jalan Allah ternya segala sesuatu menjadi mudah, dan Allah selalu berada di jalan-jalan orang yang lurus, Allah selalu mencukupi orang-orang yang berjuang di jalan Allah.
31 May 2009
12 May 2009
Cinta berasal dari Allah, Ada sebuah hadis mengatakan " Dari Abu Hurairah ra dari Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda : Jika Allah mencintai seorang hamba, Allah memanggil Jibril: " Seungguhnya Allah mencintai fulan, maka cintailah ia, lalu jibril mencintainya.Lalu Jibril memanggil penduduk langit: Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai fulan, maka cintailah ia, maka penduduk langit mencintainya. Kemudian diletakkah baginya penerimaan di bumi. HR AL Bukhari, Muslim dan Al Bazzar
Semuanya Kita lakukan Karena Allah.
11 May 2009
Semua Di Awali dengan Bismillah
wongkang sholeh kumpulono
Dalam islam kita selalu di anjurkan untuk mencari teman yang baik, karena sosok teman adalah cerminan dari diri kita, Mana ada manusia hidup di dunia ini yang hidup tanpa bantuan orang lain, manusia tidak dapat melangsungkan kehidupanya apabila dengan diri sendiri, maka dari pada itu kita perlu mencari teman, tetapi teman yang bagaimana ?.
Seorang teman atau banyak teman, sangatlah diperlukan oleh sosok manusia yang ingin melangsungkan kehidupanya di dunia ini, sosok teman itu ada yang baik dan ada juga yang jahat, tetapi Islam menganjurkan kepada kita untuk memilih teman yang baik, karena teman yang baik itu bisa membawa kita kepada suatu kebaikan baik di dunia atau di akhirat nanti.
Ada pepatah bahasa arab yang mengatakan bahwa temanmu ialah orang yang menangiskan mu ( membuatmu menangis ) , bukan yang membuat mu tertawa. Teman yang baik adalah yang datang pada waktu kita sedih, bukan yang menjauh pada waktu kita dapat kesedihan.
Islam sangat perhatian sekali tetang cara memilih teman, karena hakikat teman dapat membawa kita kepada suatu kebaikan dan keburukan. Tentunya kita sebagai orang yang normal pasti memilih teman yang baik,
Di antara Yang menyebabkan kita menjadi nakal adalah pergaulan negative dan teman yang jahat. Terutama jika diri kita tidak memilki benteng yang kuat untuk menangkal segala cobaan dan tantangan di luar sana. Sang Khalik berfirman “ Teman-teman akrab pada hari itu sebagiannya menjadi musuh bagi sebagian yang lain, kecuali orang-orang yang bertaqwa “ ( QS. Az-Zukhruf ). Dalam berteman kadang teman bisa menjadi musuh bagi kita, tetapi lain halnya dengan kita yang mencari teman yang bertaqwa, setidaknya teman kita bisa saling menasehati dalam kebenaran dan saling membantu di kala kita mendapatkan musibah.
Ada pepatah yang mengatakan kalau kita berteman kepada orang jual miyak wangi cenderung kita dapat wanginya, tetapi kalu kita berteman kepada pandai besi sedikit kita dapat karatnya. Jahat dan baik adalah ibaratkan air dan api, adalah dua sisi yang sangat berbeda.
Bagaimana jikalau kita mendapatkan teman yang agak nyeleneh, tentunya kita harus saling menasehati dengan cara yang lembut, bukan dengan cara yang kasar, karena di balik kelembutan kita dapat mengetahui isi hati seseorang sehingga kita dapat membantu teman kita jikalau dia mendapatkan suatu masalah.
Saling memberikan motivasi sangat di perlikukan dalam pertemanan, karena dengan adanya motivasi kita dapat saling mendukung pada setiap kegiatan yang kita lakukan. Hakikat manusia memang adalah makhluk yang paling baik dan kita di anjurkan untuk menyeruh kepada suatu kebaikan dan mencegah dari pebuatan yang mungkar.
Sebuah pesan yang dari sang teladan kita beliau bersabda “ Seseorang itu akan tepengaruh agama temannya. Oleh karena itu, hendaklah salah seorang di antara kamu memperhatikan siapa temannya itu.” ( HR. At-Timidzi ).
Dalam sebauh lantunan lagu opiq dalam bahasa jawa di katakan wongkang soleh kumpulono, berteman dengan orang solih adalah salah satu penenang hati ( tombo hati ).
Seorang teman atau banyak teman, sangatlah diperlukan oleh sosok manusia yang ingin melangsungkan kehidupanya di dunia ini, sosok teman itu ada yang baik dan ada juga yang jahat, tetapi Islam menganjurkan kepada kita untuk memilih teman yang baik, karena teman yang baik itu bisa membawa kita kepada suatu kebaikan baik di dunia atau di akhirat nanti.
Ada pepatah bahasa arab yang mengatakan bahwa temanmu ialah orang yang menangiskan mu ( membuatmu menangis ) , bukan yang membuat mu tertawa. Teman yang baik adalah yang datang pada waktu kita sedih, bukan yang menjauh pada waktu kita dapat kesedihan.
Islam sangat perhatian sekali tetang cara memilih teman, karena hakikat teman dapat membawa kita kepada suatu kebaikan dan keburukan. Tentunya kita sebagai orang yang normal pasti memilih teman yang baik,
Di antara Yang menyebabkan kita menjadi nakal adalah pergaulan negative dan teman yang jahat. Terutama jika diri kita tidak memilki benteng yang kuat untuk menangkal segala cobaan dan tantangan di luar sana. Sang Khalik berfirman “ Teman-teman akrab pada hari itu sebagiannya menjadi musuh bagi sebagian yang lain, kecuali orang-orang yang bertaqwa “ ( QS. Az-Zukhruf ). Dalam berteman kadang teman bisa menjadi musuh bagi kita, tetapi lain halnya dengan kita yang mencari teman yang bertaqwa, setidaknya teman kita bisa saling menasehati dalam kebenaran dan saling membantu di kala kita mendapatkan musibah.
Ada pepatah yang mengatakan kalau kita berteman kepada orang jual miyak wangi cenderung kita dapat wanginya, tetapi kalu kita berteman kepada pandai besi sedikit kita dapat karatnya. Jahat dan baik adalah ibaratkan air dan api, adalah dua sisi yang sangat berbeda.
Bagaimana jikalau kita mendapatkan teman yang agak nyeleneh, tentunya kita harus saling menasehati dengan cara yang lembut, bukan dengan cara yang kasar, karena di balik kelembutan kita dapat mengetahui isi hati seseorang sehingga kita dapat membantu teman kita jikalau dia mendapatkan suatu masalah.
Saling memberikan motivasi sangat di perlikukan dalam pertemanan, karena dengan adanya motivasi kita dapat saling mendukung pada setiap kegiatan yang kita lakukan. Hakikat manusia memang adalah makhluk yang paling baik dan kita di anjurkan untuk menyeruh kepada suatu kebaikan dan mencegah dari pebuatan yang mungkar.
Sebuah pesan yang dari sang teladan kita beliau bersabda “ Seseorang itu akan tepengaruh agama temannya. Oleh karena itu, hendaklah salah seorang di antara kamu memperhatikan siapa temannya itu.” ( HR. At-Timidzi ).
Dalam sebauh lantunan lagu opiq dalam bahasa jawa di katakan wongkang soleh kumpulono, berteman dengan orang solih adalah salah satu penenang hati ( tombo hati ).
24 April 2009
How To Use Motivational Posters by Lucile Taylor
Putting motivational posters in your home office can give you a boost in whatever it is that you need to do. Some may think that motivational posters are cheesy because they often contain cliché slogans and quotes. While this is true to some extent, there are so many motivational posters that your office can choose so it is actually easy to find one that will suit a professional or business setting.
Mainly, companies use motivational posters to make their employees become more productive, enhance their morale and to promote company loyalty. While most workers do not really care about these motivational posters, these materials help create a positive outlook in the workplace whether employees are aware of it or not. The encouraging words in motivational posters can be a source of inspiration to an employee who is feeling down.
If you are in charge of decorating the office, just make sure that you do not overdo it. Do not hang motivational posters on every single wall because that can be annoying and not aesthetically-pleasing at all. Also, choose motivational posters that make use of professional-looking photographs. The images on the posters should be appropriate as well like the city landscape, for example.
Of course, do not forget to choose a matching frame for the posters. Most business offices are painted in neutral colors, so you may want to make sure that you select posters that are not too bright unless they suit your company's image.
If you would be decorating your home office, then you would have more freedom in choosing what motivational posters to use or, for that matter, whether you want to use any at all. Just remember to choose the posters appropriate to your workplace, especially if you would be receiving clients in your home office.
You do not have to choose typical motivational posters. You can actually use a poster with an image that is personally meaningful to you. You can use a poster of anything that has significance in your life or that reminds you of what you want to achieve in life whether it is monetary or otherwise.
Aside from posters, you can also create motivational wallpaper on your PC's desktop or use a motivational desktop calendar. A motivational poster and other motivational products are not just decorations; they serve as constant reminders of your goals. They help keep you focused on whatever you want to achieve and provides a constant source of daily motivation.
Find insightful and useful information about Organizing and Positive Attitude at Articlegrow.com.
Mainly, companies use motivational posters to make their employees become more productive, enhance their morale and to promote company loyalty. While most workers do not really care about these motivational posters, these materials help create a positive outlook in the workplace whether employees are aware of it or not. The encouraging words in motivational posters can be a source of inspiration to an employee who is feeling down.
If you are in charge of decorating the office, just make sure that you do not overdo it. Do not hang motivational posters on every single wall because that can be annoying and not aesthetically-pleasing at all. Also, choose motivational posters that make use of professional-looking photographs. The images on the posters should be appropriate as well like the city landscape, for example.
Of course, do not forget to choose a matching frame for the posters. Most business offices are painted in neutral colors, so you may want to make sure that you select posters that are not too bright unless they suit your company's image.
If you would be decorating your home office, then you would have more freedom in choosing what motivational posters to use or, for that matter, whether you want to use any at all. Just remember to choose the posters appropriate to your workplace, especially if you would be receiving clients in your home office.
You do not have to choose typical motivational posters. You can actually use a poster with an image that is personally meaningful to you. You can use a poster of anything that has significance in your life or that reminds you of what you want to achieve in life whether it is monetary or otherwise.
Aside from posters, you can also create motivational wallpaper on your PC's desktop or use a motivational desktop calendar. A motivational poster and other motivational products are not just decorations; they serve as constant reminders of your goals. They help keep you focused on whatever you want to achieve and provides a constant source of daily motivation.
Find insightful and useful information about Organizing and Positive Attitude at Articlegrow.com.
21 April 2009
20 April 2009
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08 April 2009
How to use incentives and gifts to motivate a team of direct sales by Joe Keny
Motivate your sales staff can be done in several ways. One way is to use incentives and gifts to motivate your team of direct sales. This can be done in open competition, where they compete against each other, or on an individual basis, where they earn rewards for reaching certain goals. Achieve your goal of increased sales to understand how the incentives to motivate your team of direct sales .
Note that the first step in motivating your sales staff must come from you in the form of their success. Some examples of this communication are clear objectives, allowing them to make decisions, and removing barriers that prevent them from achieving their goals. If this is not achieved for the first time, most will not be motivated by incentives and gifts .
Decide if you want your sales staff compete against each other for a period of time to earn a gift, or if your type of sale is more to the agent wants to achieve or surpass their own goals previously encountered. Another way to organize an incentive program is to have the sales staff to work as a team. In this way, they are responsible to someone other than themselves to reach a goal so that the whole team benefits .
Make goals achievable. Setting the bar so high that it is practically impossible to achieve is not to motivate your sales staff, in fact, it is likely the opposite effect. Encourage them to their sales decline a bit of muscle, but with goals that are possible .
lifestyle rewards in the form of additional paid vacation, travel to exotic places , dinner at the restaurant of choice for the winner. Most sales people are accustomed to being motivated by money to work harder in order to reward them with something they would probably never spend money on themselves is a great motivation. Just make sure that the reward is sufficient for the winner to take along a spouse or friend .
realize that the incentives and grants do not have to motivate everyone. You may have some sellers that are motivated in different ways, and it's your job as his manager to determine what will motivate them.
This article is written by Free Article Tool.
Note that the first step in motivating your sales staff must come from you in the form of their success. Some examples of this communication are clear objectives, allowing them to make decisions, and removing barriers that prevent them from achieving their goals. If this is not achieved for the first time, most will not be motivated by incentives and gifts .
Decide if you want your sales staff compete against each other for a period of time to earn a gift, or if your type of sale is more to the agent wants to achieve or surpass their own goals previously encountered. Another way to organize an incentive program is to have the sales staff to work as a team. In this way, they are responsible to someone other than themselves to reach a goal so that the whole team benefits .
Make goals achievable. Setting the bar so high that it is practically impossible to achieve is not to motivate your sales staff, in fact, it is likely the opposite effect. Encourage them to their sales decline a bit of muscle, but with goals that are possible .
lifestyle rewards in the form of additional paid vacation, travel to exotic places , dinner at the restaurant of choice for the winner. Most sales people are accustomed to being motivated by money to work harder in order to reward them with something they would probably never spend money on themselves is a great motivation. Just make sure that the reward is sufficient for the winner to take along a spouse or friend .
realize that the incentives and grants do not have to motivate everyone. You may have some sellers that are motivated in different ways, and it's your job as his manager to determine what will motivate them.
This article is written by Free Article Tool.
Become a Successful Day Trader - 7 Powerful Secrets to Gain Financial Freedom Fast! by Alex Frost
Day trading is a great way to make good money, but is not necessarily an easy ride. It's an art that takes a lot of time to master. With day trading you can make money in a single day buying and selling stocks, without any long term investments. This leads to huge opportunities for profit, but there is also a great deal of risk involved. It is a well-known fact that most traders end up losing money instead of making a profit. To avoid becoming one of them, there are some traits that need to be ingrained.
Here are 7 powerful tips to become a successful day trader:
* Find a system and stick to it: it's very important to discover a set of profitable techniques and master them. Trading without a plan is not different than gambling and will certainly get you burned eventually.
* Keep in mind that day trading is a JOB : earning tons of money is not a given, because this is not a passive source of income. You should get proper training and keep improving your performance, if you are really determined to make a profit.
* Try to keep a diary of your trades: this way you will identify your mistakes and avoid repeating them over and over again.
* Control your emotions: emotions like greed, fear and disappointment can heavily impact your trades. Emotional people tend to break under pressure. Try to stay calm, don't take your defeats too seriously and simply follow the plan.
* Only use money you can afford to lose: you should never invest money that is set aside for paying you utility bills or your mortgage.
* Do not overtrade: overtrading is a sign of an amateur trader. Many people commit this mistake as an effort to cover their losses, but it can be a recipe for disaster.
* Get a good trading education: getting a solid education is an absolute necessity. A great mentor can teach you how to manage risk and analyze market trends.
Although some losses are inevitable, there is incredible profit potential in day trading.
Do you want to find out how to take advantage of this potential?
Day trading is a great way to make good money, but is not necessarily an easy ride. It's an art that takes a lot of time to master. With day trading you can make money in a single day buying and selling stocks, without any long term investments. This leads to huge opportunities for profit, but there is also a great deal of risk involved. It is a well-known fact that most traders end up losing money instead of making a profit. To avoid becoming one of them, there are some traits that need to be ingrained.
Here are 7 powerful tips to become a successful day trader:
* Find a system and stick to it: it's very important to discover a set of profitable techniques and master them. Trading without a plan is not different than gambling and will certainly get you burned eventually.
* Keep in mind that day trading is a JOB : earning tons of money is not a given, because this is not a passive source of income. You should get proper training and keep improving your performance, if you are really determined to make a profit.
* Try to keep a diary of your trades: this way you will identify your mistakes and avoid repeating them over and over again.
* Control your emotions: emotions like greed, fear and disappointment can heavily impact your trades. Emotional people tend to break under pressure. Try to stay calm, don't take your defeats too seriously and simply follow the plan.
* Only use money you can afford to lose: you should never invest money that is set aside for paying you utility bills or your mortgage.
* Do not overtrade: overtrading is a sign of an amateur trader. Many people commit this mistake as an effort to cover their losses, but it can be a recipe for disaster.
* Get a good trading education: getting a solid education is an absolute necessity. A great mentor can teach you how to manage risk and analyze market trends.
Although some losses are inevitable, there is incredible profit potential in day trading.
Do you want to find out how to take advantage of this potential?
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